Get To Know Our Recovery Drips

Get To Know Our Recovery Drips

Sometimes a good time comes with a bad hangover. Luckily for you, you can bounce back and feel better faster with our specialized recovery IV drips. Our different IV drips address varying degrees of hangovers, so no matter how unwell you’re feeling, we have a personalized solution for you! Let’s dive into the benefits of each of our recovery IV drips.


The Pre-Game

Preparing for a long night ahead? Prevent your hangover from ever arriving by getting a headstart on hydration and replenishing nutrients commonly lost during drinking. Get this IV drip before the night begins and keep your energy levels up all night long. 

Electrolyte hydration combined with a high dose B12, B-Complex, Taurine, and Carnitine, with an addition of Vitamin C and Magnesium make this our go-to IV drip when you’re preparing for a long day (or night) ahead, whether it be for business, travel, or fun.

Good For: When you have a long night (or weekend) ahead of you.




Basic Recovery

We’ve all overdone it from time to time, but it’s also important to detox after your retox. Our Basic Recovery IV Drip is a simple combo of electrolyte hydration with your choice of Pain or Nausea Rx medications. You’ll be nurtured back to a happier, healthier state. Our Basic Recovery IV Drip’s electrolyte solution contains minerals for maintaining optimal body functions and is great for dehydration. This recovery IV drip is great for when you have a mild hangover.

Good For: When your “liquid courage” comes back to scare you the next morning.




Super Recovery

Woke up hungover? Recover from a night out with our Super Recovery IV drip. Electrolyte hydration combined with a B12 and B-Complex and your choice of a powerful prescription-strength medication helps replenish vitamins that are depleted with alcohol, food poisoning, or illness and gives a boost of energy. Super Recovery is the drip for you if you are moderately hungover or are feeling sick.

Good For: when you’re not sure if that headache and tummy ache are from one too many or if you’re just under the weather.




Mega Recovery

Still paying for last night? Hangovers wreak major havoc on your body. Even after the alcohol clears your system, they can stick around from 8 to 24 hours, depending on how much you drink. Get your body and mind on the right path to feeling healthier with our Mega Recovery IV Drip. Electrolyte hydration combined with a powerful prescription-strength medication, B12, B-Complex, Magnesium, and Vitamin C, finished with a push of Glutathione helps soothe nausea, dizziness and muscle pain, making this our #1 recovery drip. Feel better from a severe hangover with Mega Recovery. 

Good For: when you’ve had everything to drink… but water.




Ultimate Recovery

When in Las Vegas, the last thing you want to roll the dice on is how you’ll be feeling the next day after hitting the strip. If you’re in really bad shape after a little too much fun and desperately want to feel better, our Las Vegas exclusive Ultimate Recovery IV Drip is for you. This elite power-drip maximizes your fluids for your weight, includes maximum doses of multiple vitamins and nutrients, and has double the dose of glutathione. This IV drip focuses on replenishing lost electrolytes and low hydration levels, assists with inflammation, lingering viruses, body fatigue and jet-lag. This drip also comes with your choice of a prescription pain or nausea medication as well. You will leave feeling completely refreshed and renewed and ready to party!

Good For: when your night was all aces but your morning’s a joker.




No more running on fumes! Get back to feeling your best, and fast, with 5 different specialized recovery drips.



Before making any significant dietary changes, starting any new diet, supplement, or nutrition program, or if you have any health concerns or conditions, please consult with your healthcare provider or a registered dietitian. Individual nutritional needs and restrictions can vary, and your doctor can provide you with personalized recommendations based on your unique medical history and health status.


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