5 Books on The Clean Market Reading List

5 Books on The Clean Market Reading List

We wanted to take a moment to share a few of the favorites on our reading list, in hopes that it might bring you some ease, or even entertainment during this time. These are books (and listenings) that have brought us comfort, made us question, and given us a takeaway, tool, or thought to ponder in our everyday lives. We know that this time does not necessarily equate to more free time but add these to your list and chip away during moments of down time. We recommend downloading or renting on your Kindle (if you have) or testing out a free trial of Audible and listening on your phone. Also, if you are based in New York, this app gets you instantly approved for a digital New York Public Library Card.


Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief by David Kessler

This period of time is a period of grief for all of us -- whether we have lost someone, or know someone who has, during the pandemic, we are also collectively grieving the world as we knew it. Get to know grief and how to move forward in a way that honors our loved ones. We recommend starting with David Kessler’s conversation on the podcast Unlocking Us with Brené Brown


How To Breathe by Ashley Neese

One of our favorite breathwork experts, Ashley Neese shares 25 practices with us that we can use for mindfulness and serenity during this challenging time. With just a few minutes of breathwork a day, these small exercises have already had a huge impact on our daily health and happiness. Also, check out the free weekly breathwork classes Ashley is offering during this time. 



In The Flo by Alisa Vitti 

While hunkering down at home, now might be a great time for us ladies to explore how to tune in and tap into our female biological rhythm. Vitti has us let go of dieting, deprivations, endless to-dos, and nonstop schedules, and instead encourages us to become intuitive beings with our monthly cycle. We can’t think of a better time to support our hormones, unlock peak creativity and performance, and avoid stress and burnout. We also love Alisa’s episode with Jason on mindbodygreen’s podcast. 


When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times by Pema Chodron 

A classic work, we discovered this book when our yoga teachers would read excerpts at the beginning or end of each class. Drawing from traditional Buddhist wisdom, Chodron’s radical and compassionate advice gives us a new way to move through the mud (sometimes at odds with our first impulse of what to do). We keep opening this book daily for more inspiration and wisdom. 


The Miracle of Mindfulness: An Introduction to the Practice of Meditation by Thich Naht Hanh

Knowing that meditation and mindfulness can have a significant effect on our general well-being, and even immunity, Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh offers gentle anecdotes and practical exercises as a means of learning the skills of mindfulness -- while being awake and fully aware. While we are at home doing dishes, changing our sheets, feeding our kids and pets, we can practice tuning into the moment to help bring peace. 


We included some of our favorite podcasts to listen to throughout this post but here are a few others we have enjoyed during this time: The Power of a Balanced Immune System on the goop podcast, Ramit Sethi on Navigating Finances During Challenging Times on the Expanded Podcast, and XXX. Stay well. 

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